U.S. 301

Highway Review:
U.S. 301 runs from Sarasota, Florida, to Glasgow, Delaware. In the state of Delaware, U.S. 301 lasts just 16 miles, and is duplexed with a state highway for most of its length in the First State. The highway ends at U.S. 40 in Glasgow.

Highway Information:
Distance: 15.8 miles
Counties traveled through: New Castle
Highway intersections: DE 299 (Mile 1.1), DE 15 (Mile 2.5), DE 15 (Mile 3.5), DE 299 (Mile 3.9), DE 71 (Mile 5.0), DE 896 (Mile 8.2), DE 15 (Mile 10.4), DE 71 (Mile 12.5), Business DE 896 (Mile 14.5), U.S. 40/DE 896 (Mile 15.8)
Highway duplexes: DE 299 (Miles 1.1-3.9, 2.8 miles), DE 15 (Miles 2.5-3.5, 1.0 mile), DE 71 (Miles 5.0-12.5, 7.5 miles), DE 896 (Miles 8.2-15.8, 7.6 miles)


U.S. 301 South/DE 299 West at DE 299 West. The Maryland
State Line is about a mile away. (Photo taken 3/18/03)
U.S. 301 North/DE 299 East assurance shields just north of the
intersection pictured above. The highways share almost three
miles of pavement before splitting just west of Middletown.
(Photo taken 3/18/03)
U.S. 301 North/DE 299 East at DE 15 South. (Photo taken
U.S. 301/DE 15 South/DE 299 West at DE 15 South. (Photo
taken 3/18/03)
DE 15 South/U.S. 301 South/DE 299 West assurance shields
west of Middletown. The three highways share one mile of
asphalt. (Photo taken 3/18/03)
U.S. 301 North and DE 299 East split just west of Middletown
in this view shown here. U.S. 301's next intersection is DE 71
in just one mile. (Photo taken 3/18/03)

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Last updated June 04, 2003 12:29 AM