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Interstate 794 Wisconsin & Wisconsin 794

Interstate 794 connects Interstate 43 and Interstate 94 at the Marquette Interchange to the Lake Michigan lakefront area. It spans 3.75 miles and transitions into Wisconsin 794 at its eastern terminus near the Port of Milwaukee. This page covers both the interstate and the state highway. Interstate 794 is signed east-west, and Wisconsin 794 is signed north-south. Interstate 794 East becomes Wisconsin 794 South, and vice versa.

Highway Information

Miles 3.75
Counties Traveled
Cities Milwaukee
Major Junctions Interstate 94
(Exits 1A-B)

Interstate 43
(Exits 1A & 1C)

OKRoads Coverage
Miles Driven
by OKRoads
4 (100%)
Western End of
Interstate Driven
Interstate 43/
Interstate 94
Eastern End of
Interstate Driven
Port of Milwaukee


Interstate 794 East
As traffic from Interstate 43 North and Interstate 94 West merges onto eastbound Interstate 794, motorists are informed to use Exit 1F to the lakefront area, including the Lincoln Memorial Park and the Milwaukee Art Museum. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 East approaching Exit 1D - Plankinton Avenue - 1/4 mile, and Exit 1E - Jackson Street/Van Buren Street - 1/2 mile. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
The mileage sign on the left sums up Interstate 794 fairly well. So does the next set of signs at the Plankinton Avenue exit. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 East at Exit 1D - Plankinton Avenue. Plankinton Avenue is also signed as Alternate Interstate 43 and is a one-way northbound street along the western shore of the Milwaukee River. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 East at Exit 1E - Jackson Street/Van Buren Street. Two lanes are provided for the left-side exit ramp. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Van Buren Street and Jackson Street are both one-way through downtown Milwaukee. Van Buren Street travels north, while Jackson Street travels south. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 East at Exit 1F - Lakefront. The left-side exit ramp leads to Lincoln Memorial Drive, which skirts the shores of Lake Michigan. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Either way you go here, there is either a traffic signal ahead or a 35 mph curve. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Mileage sign on Interstate 794 East as it prepares to cross the Hoan Bridge. The bridge was repaired during 2001 after part of the bridge buckled in December 2000. For more information on the bridge's failure and subsequent reconstruction, visit Chris Bessert's page at his awesome Wisconsin Highways website. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 East as it crosses the superstructure of the Hoan Bridge. Somehow the colors were a bit off, but see the picture of the bridge from westbound Interstate 794 for a better perspective of its actual coloration. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 East approaching Exit 3 - Port of Milwaukee - 1 mile. The best views of Lake Michigan are at this point where the interstate descends from its maximum height on the bridge. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 East approaching Exit 3 - Port of Milwaukee - 1/2 mile. This is the first pull-through panel to indicate that only Wisconsin 794 is signed from Exit 3 southward. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
An Interstate 794 East ends assembly is posted just before the departure of Exit 3 to the Port of Milwaukee. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 East at Exit 3 - Port of Milwaukee, as the interstate transitions into a state highway. Wisconsin 794 continues to County ZZ on the Cudahy-South Milwaukee city line. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Wisconsin 794 South
The speed limit on Wisconsin 794 is set at 40 miles per hour. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Wisconsin 794 South assurance shield posted south of the Port of Milwaukee. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Wisconsin 794 South approaching Oklahoma Avenue - 3/4 mile. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Wisconsin 794 South at the turnoff to Oklahoma Avenue. The two are connected via this connector road in the southeast quadrant of the "interchange". (Photo taken 7/12/05)
This is the view that motorists see as they leave Wisconsin 794 for Oklahoma Avenue. Wisconsin 32 is less than 1/4 mile to the east. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Wisconsin 794 North
Wisconsin 794 North approaching the Port of Milwaukee - 3/4 mile. No exit number is given from the northbound Lake Parkway. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Wisconsin 794 North at the Port of Milwaukee. The state highway continue to be signed for about 1/3 mile before it transitions into Interstate 794. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Mileage sign on Wisconsin 794 North at the point it becomes Interstate 794. This mileage sign provides a summary of Interstate 794; its three exits are at Michigan Street (2 miles), Milwaukee Street (2 1/4 miles), and Interstate 43/Interstate 94/U.S. 41 (2 3/4 miles). The first Interstate 794 shield is posted on the next light post. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
A Wisconsin 794 North ends assembly follows not long after the first Interstate 794 West assurance shield. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 West
Interstate 794 West approaching Exit 1F - Michigan Street - 1 1/2 miles. Michigan Street carries U.S. 18's easternmost section. In fact, the off-ramp for this exit ends at the same point that U.S. 18 meets its eastern terminus. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Stay in the two left lanes to continue on Interstate 794 West to Interstate 43, Interstate 94, and U.S. 41. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
A more accurate portrayal of the Hoan Bridge than the one seen in the opposite direction. Sometimes cameras pull weird tricks. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 West approaching Exit 1F - Michigan Street - 1/2 mile. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 West at Exit 1F - U.S. 18 West/Michigan Street. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 West approaching Exit 1E - Milwaukee Street/Downtown - 1/4 mile. The US Bank building towers over this view. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 West at Exit 1E - Milwaukee Street/Downtown. One mile remains on Interstate 794. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 West approaching Exit 1A - Interstate 94 West/U.S. 41 North - 1/2 mile. The far left lane ends so a lane from Jackson Street can merge onto the interstate. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 West approaching Exit 1A - Interstate 94 West/U.S. 41 North, Exit 1B - Interstate 43/U.S. 41 South and Interstate 94 East, and Exit 1C - Interstate 43 North - 1/4 mile. An end Interstate 794 shield assembly is posted at this point. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Interstate 794 West comes to an end as Exit 1A to Interstate 94 West and U.S. 41 North, Exit 1B to Interstate 43 and U.S. 41 South and Interstate 94 East, and Exit 1C to Interstate 43 North depart. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Scenes Related to Wisconsin 794
Eastbound Oklahoma Avenue approaching Wisconsin 794. Wisconsin 794 was built along railroad right-of-way; the second overpass that eastbound motorists pass through is the Lake Parkway. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Eastbound Oklahoma Avenue at Wisconsin 794. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Westbound Oklahoma Avenue (SPUR Wisconsin 794) at Wisconsin 794. (Photo taken 7/12/05)
Two views of the short connector road between Wisconsin 794 and Oklahoma Avenue. The top picture shows the shield assembly approaching the state highway, while the bottom picture shows the stoplights at Wisconsin 794. (Photos taken 7/12/05)

Page created: March 04, 2006
Last updated: April 15, 2006