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Interstate 4

Interstate 4 is an intrastate interstate that connects Interstate 275 in Tampa to Interstate 95 in Daytona Beach. The interstate also serves as the only freeway in Orlando that is not a toll road!

Highway Information

States Traveled Through
(Mileage in state)
Cities Tampa, Lakeland,
Orlando, Daytona Beach
Source 10/31/02 Interstate
Route Log & Finder List
OKRoads Coverage
Miles Driven
by OKRoads
2 (1.5%)
Western End of
Interstate Driven
Exit 7 in Florida
(U.S. 92/U.S. 301)
Eastern End of
Interstate Driven
Exit 9 in Florida
(Interstate 75)

Selected Pictures

Interstate 4 West at Exit 7 - U.S. 92 West TO
U.S. 301 - Hillsborough Ave./Busch Gardens.
(Photo taken 12/14/03)
Interstate 4 West c/d lane (which is also U.S.
92 West) at U.S. 301 - Riverview/Zephyrhills.
(Photo taken 12/14/03)
Interstate 4 East approaching Exit 9 - Interstate
75 - 1/2 mile. (Photo taken 12/15/03)
Interstate 4 East at Exit 9 - Interstate 75 -
Ocala/Naples. (Photo taken 12/15/03)

Highway Links

Interstate 4 Florida (Florida Trip)

Interstate 4 Guide @ SouthEastRoads.com (Andy Field/Alex Nitzman)

Interstate 4 @ Interstate-Guide.com (Andy Field/Alex Nitzman)

Trans4mation (Official Florida DOT Interstate 4 Construction page)

Page created: January 30, 2005
Last updated: January 30, 2005