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Interstate 81 New York

Highway Information

Miles 183.6
Counties Traveled
Broome, Cortland,
Onondaga, Oswego,
Cities Binghamton, Cortland,
Syracuse, Watertown
Major Junctions New York 17

Interstate 88

Interstate 481
(Exit 16A & Exit 29)

Interstate 690

Interstate 90
(Exit 25A)

OKRoads Coverage
Miles Driven
by OKRoads
13 (7%)
Southern End of
Interstate Driven
Pennsylvania State Line
Northern End of
Interstate Driven
New York 17


Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East
From New York 17 East, we see the beginning of the ramp to Interstate 81 South as we draw within one-half mile of Exits 4N-S for New York 7. The state highway goes from the Pennsylvania state line near Corbettsville to the Vermont state line near Hoosick. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East approaching Exit 4S - New York 7 South - Binghamton, and Exit 4N - New York 7 North - Hillcrest. The cloverleaf is about 1/4 mile ahead. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East at the departure of the Exit 4 ramp to New York 7. The next sign gantry is at Exit 4S. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East at Exit 4S - New York 7 South - Binghamton. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East at Exit 4N - New York 7 North - Hillcrest. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East assurance shields are posted just past New York 7. Their duplex is five miles long. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East approaching Exit 3 - Colesville Road - 1 mile. The arterial leads to the Conklin Industrial Park. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
As mentioned above, Exit 3 provides direct access to Colesville Road. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East at Exit 3 - Industrial Park/Colesville Road. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East approaching the left-hand split of the state highway from the interstate. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East approaching Exit 2 - U.S. 11 - 1/2 mile. This is the only sign about this exit prior to its coming. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South and New York 17 East split here. From here, the Big Apple is 187 miles away. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South
Interstate 81 South at Exit 2 - U.S. 11 - Five Mile Point. This is just one of many interchanges with U.S. 11 along Interstate 81. U.S. 11 is actually about one-half mile to the west of this interchange. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South approaching Exit 1 - U.S. 11/New York 7 - 1 mile. The road directly served by this exit, Kirkwood-Conklin Road, provides the connections to both U.S. 11 and New York 7 within one mile to the west. The two highways are on opposite sides of the Susquehanna River. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Use Exit 1 to the Broome Corporate Park. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
Interstate 81 South at Exit 1 - U.S. 11/New York 7 - Kirkwood/Conklin. (Photo taken 7/9/05)
The next rest area is 25 miles ahead in Pennsylvania. (Photo taken 7/9/05)

Page created: January 05, 2006
Last updated: January 05, 2006