May 19-24, 2003

This roadtrip took me throughout the midwest as I saw wheat fields, corn fields, and the Field of Dreams, hence the name "Fields Trip." The trip was scheduled for Spring Break 2003, but because the Delaware Trip came up and I took the opportunity to have the greatest roadtrip so far, I delayed this trip to May 2003, the week after my spring semester of college ended. This trip gave me the opportunity to spend a little time with family who I rarely see, and a chance to get a lot of Michigan pictures. The trip was originally slated to take 4 days but was extended to six days so I can visit relatives in the Grand Rapids and Detroit areas. At a distance of over 2,700 miles, this roadtrip was over 1,000 miles longer than the roadtrips in 2002 were, yet this was the shortest major roadtrip I did all summer! This was also the first major roadtrip in the new official car of!

Trip in review:

Monday, May 19: Drove 500 miles from Oklahoma City, OK to Omaha, NE | Picture Index
Tuesday, May 20: Drove 499 miles from Omaha, NE to Field of Dreams in Dyersville, IA to Davenport, IA |
Picture Index
Wednesday, May 21: Drove 373 miles from Davenport, IA to Grand Rapids, MI |
Picture Index
Thursday, May 22: Drove 221 miles from Grand Rapids, MI to Detroit, MI, and back to Northville, MI |
Picture Index
Friday, May 23: Drove 586 miles from Northville, MI to Fenton, MO |
Picture Index
Saturday, May 24: Drove 512 miles from Fenton, MO to Oklahoma City, OK |
Picture Index

Trip route:
Monday, May 19: Interstate 35 North --> Interstate 135 North --> U.S. 81 North --> Interstate 80 East
Tuesday, May 20: Interstate 80 East --> Interstate 380 North --> U.S. 20 East --> IA 136 (Field of Dreams) --> U.S. 20 East --> U.S. 61 South
Wednesday, May 21: Interstate 80 East --> Interstate 88 East --> Interstate 290 East --> Interstate 90 East --> Interstate 94 East --> Interstate 196 North/East --> Interstate 96 East
Thursday, May 22: Interstate 96 East
Friday, May 23: M-14 West --> Interstate 94 West --> Interstate 69 South --> Interstate 465 West/South --> Interstate 70 West --> Interstate 270 West --> Interstate 255 South/West --> Interstate 270 North --> Interstate 44 West
Saturday, May 24: Interstate 44 West --> Home

Trip distance - 2,763 miles

Trip pages:

Day One:
Interstate 35
Interstate 35 | Interstate 135 | U.S. 81
U.S. 81 | Interstate 80

Day Two:
Interstate 80
Interstate 80 | Interstate 380 | U.S. 20 | IA 136 | U.S. 61

Day Three:
Interstate 80
Interstate 80 | Interstate 88 | Interstate 290 | Interstate 90
Interstate 90 | Interstate 94
Interstate 94 | Interstate 196 | Interstate 96

Day Four:
Interstate 96 | Interstate 75 | Interstate 94 | Interstate 696

Day Five:
M-14 | Interstate 94 | Interstate 69
Interstate 69 | Interstate 465 | Interstate 70
Interstate 70 | Interstate 270 | Interstate 255
Interstate 255 | Interstate 270 | Interstate 44

Day Six:
Interstate 44
Interstate 44

Miscellaneous Pictures

Trip Summaries:
Days 1-3 (Oklahoma City to Grand Rapids)
Days 4-6 (Grand Rapids to Oklahoma City) Home

Last updated August 20, 2003 10:40 PM