

Trip pages:

Note: All pages are for Texas highways unless otherwise specified.

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Day One:
Interstate 35 Oklahoma | Interstate 35 | Interstate 35E

Day Two:
Interstate 35 | U.S. 59 | TX 44 | TX 358 | TX 286 | Interstate 37

Day Three:
Interstate 35 | U.S. 281 | Interstate 410 | Interstate 10 | Interstate 45

Day Four:
Interstate 45 | Interstate 30 | Interstate 35E | Interstate 35 | Interstate 35 Oklahoma

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Interstate 35 Texas (Page Two)

Interstate 35 goes from Laredo, Texas, to Duluth, Minnesota. The highway travels 504 miles in the state of Texas. On Day Two of the South Texas Roadtrip, I drove Interstate 35 from San Antonio to Laredo.

This page covers pictures taken of Interstate 35 from Day Two. For pictures from Day Three and Day Four, please see the Interstate 35 Texas (Page Three) page.

San Antonio to Laredo
Pictures taken October 17, 2003

Interstate 35 South (upper level)
approaching Exit 156 - Interstate 10 -
Next Right. The upper level narrows to
one lane just past Interstate 10.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 156 -
Interstate 10 West/U.S. 87 North -
El Paso.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 155C -
W. Houston St./Commerce St.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 149 -
Hutchins Blvd. The Motel 6 I
stayed at is just ahead to the left.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 148B -
Palo Alto Rd.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 148A -
TX Spur 422/TO TX 16 South -
Interstate 35 South at Exit 147 -
Somerset Rd./Cassin Rd.
Interstate 35 South approaching Exit
145A - Interstate 410/TX 16 - 2
Interstate 35 South at Exit 145B -
TX Loop 353 North. Interstate 410
is 6/10 mile ahead.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 145A -
Interstate 410/TX 16. OK, so this is
the final advance sign, but this
picture didn't finish being saved
onto the disk in time for me to get
the actual exit.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 144 -
Fischer Rd.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 141 -
Von Ormy/Benton City Rd.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 140 -
TX Loop 1604 - Anderson Loop/
Interstate 35 South at Exit 139 -
Kinney Rd.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 137 -
Shepherd Rd.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 135 -
Luckey Rd.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 133 -
TX 132 South - Lytle.
Interstate 35 South approaching
Exit 127 - FM 471 - Natalia - 1/2
mile. At the time, this was the final
signage for this exit.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 124 -
FM 463 - Bigfoot Rd./Devine.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 122 -
TX 173 - Devine/Jourdanton.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 114 -
FM 462 - Bigfoot/Yancey.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 111 -
U.S. 57 - Eagle Pass. It was at this
point that I began to enter some
clouds and mist.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 104 -
Bus. Loop I-35 South.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 101 -
FM 140 - Pearsall/Uvalde.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 99 - FM
1581 - Divot.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 91 - FM
1583 - Derby.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 86 -
Bus. Loop I-35 South - Dilley.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 85 - FM
117 - Batesville.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 82 - Bus.
Loop I-35 North - County Line Rd.
Speed Limit 75 sign on Interstate 35
South just after entering La Salle
County. The county has a low
enough population density that the
speed limit is 75. The truck speed
limit, however, remains 70.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 77 - FM
469 - Millett.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 74 -
Gardendale. (I apologize for the
poor quality of some of these
Interstate 35 South at Exit 69 - Bus.
Loop I-35 South - Cotulla.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 65 - Bus.
Loop I-35 North.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 56 - FM
133 - Artesia Wells/Catarina.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 48 -
Carman Creek Interchange.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 39 -
TX 44 - Encinal.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 32 - San
Roman Interchange.
Mileage sign on Interstate 35 South,
just south of Exit 32. This is the
first mileage sign I have ever seen
that lists a distance to Monterrey,
Mexico. It's 174 miles away from
this point.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 27 -
Callaghan Interchange.
Interstate 35 South approaching
Exit 24 - Camino Colombia Toll
Road - 1 mile.
Interstate 35 South approaching
Exit 24 - 1/2 mile. The toll road was
sold to the Texas DOT a couple
months after I was in the area. The
toll road did not have much traffic
on it, and really didn't have much use.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 24 -
Camino Colombia Toll Road.
The Camino Colombia Toll Road
overpass from Interstate 35 South.
The vehicle on top of the bridge is
a Border Patrol SUV.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 18 - U.S.
83 North - Carrizo Springs/Uvalde.
Interstate 35 South at the parking
area just south of U.S. 83. The
structure to the left is the Border
Patrol checkpoint on Interstate 35/
U.S. 83 North.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 13 -
Uniroyal Interchange.
Interstate 35 South at the TX Loop
20 - World Trade Bridge exit.
A look at the flyover ramps at the
TX Loop 20 interchange.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 7 -
Shiloh Dr./Las Cruces Dr.
Interstate 35 South at Exit 4 - FM
1472 - Del Mar Blvd./Santa Maria
Interstate 35 South at Exit 3B - Bus.
Loop I-35 - San Bernardo Ave./Mann
Interstate 35 South at Exit 3A - Calton
Interstate 35 South at Exit 2 - U.S.
59 - Freer/Corpus Christi/Houston.
This interchange marks the southern
terminus of U.S. 59.
Interstate 35 South at unmarked
Exit 1B - Park St./Sanchez St.
Interstate 35 ends in 3/4 mile.
Interstate 35 South at unmarked
Exit 1A - Scott St./Washington St.
The end of Interstate 35 is now
1/2 mile away.
"Freeway Ends 1/4 mile" sign on
Interstate 35 South.
Interstate 35 South approaching
U.S. 83 and the Mexico International
Bridges. The speed limit has
dropped from 65 to 45, and will
eventually go down to 30.
Traffic begins to back up as
Interstate 35 comes to an end. Just
across the median is the northbound
beginning of Interstate 35.
Sign gantry just past the stoplight
at the southern terminus. Mexico
is just about 1/2 mile ahead.
Switching directions now, we see
the northbound beginning of
Interstate 35. U.S. 59 is also signed
here, even though it actually begins
two miles to the north. One more
stoplight separates U.S. 83 from
the beginning of Interstate 35.
Shield assembly at the gore point
as Interstate 35 North begins.
The first Interstate 35/U.S. 83 North
assurance shields. In just 504 more
miles, Interstate 35 will leave the
state of Texas.
Interstate 35 North approaching
Exit 2 - U.S. 59 - 3/4 mile.
Interstate 35 North at Exit 2 - U.S.
59 - Freer/Corpus Christi/Houston.
Interstate 35 North frontage road at
U.S. 59. U.S. 59 is signed east-
west for several miles.